Hello! My name is Abbi…and I am great!!! <– Dr. Klips said so himself!
Although my knowledge on plants is a little less than impressive, I have come to enjoy growing them from seeds and watching their progress. It’s like I’m raising little ones, because I am! Aww!
I am currently studying biology with a pre medical track at Ohio State with a studio art minor, and chose this class to help finish out my major! That doesn’t take away from my interest in plants though! Recently, I have started to enjoy learning about the medicinal properties of plants and figured maybe some of the native plants of my home state could offer as ailments for certain sicknesses! I would also like to do some sustainable farming for my community *strong muscle emoji*. My goal is to help everyone, which is a very naive statement!
What I generally hope to take away from this class is, well, plant knowledge! I believe that healing the world involves the entire world (plants, animals, phytoplankton……etc.) and not just the people in it!
For this course we had to create a coat of arms! I wanted to try and be satirical but I ended up making my coat of arms contain meaningful aspects of my life! I have the Starbucks siren as the sort of logo (hopefully I won’t get copyrighted) because I currently am a barista there! It’s a tough job at times but I have learned some meaningful life lessons there! My quote which states, “I know if I’m generous at heart I don’t need recognition,” is from my favorite rapper, Kendrick Lamar, specifically from his song, “Momma.” I have taken that line as a sort of motto, because It’s an imperative quality for physicians and that’s what I am aiming to be! My home town is technically Chesapeake, Ohio ,but South Point is right next to it. It definitely can be a beautiful place since it’s certainly more rural than the city! Finally, I previously stated my interest in medicine and hopefully I’ll get there!